Saturday, August 31, 2024

Customer feedback and contribution

Nick built his Nixie 6-digit clock from the kit. The enclosure and inner works, to make it function and look like a clock, is his own original creation, all nicely documented here.

The Arduino code is based on the example code, but he added extra features that are controlled via an ESP8266 over Serial, using an interesting ATMega + ESP8266 combo board. Please check it out.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Photos from the mail

 From: William

Re: WiseClock4 with 5mm Sure Electronics displays

From: Colin

Re: 6-tube Nixie clock

From: Charles

Re: GE LED clock

Friday, October 8, 2021

A virtual tour of the computer birthplace

Travel is not easy these days. Luckily we have youtube, social distancing networks and friends who share photos from their excursions and adventures. Here are some from the famous Bletchley Park, where Colossus was invented (and de-classified decades later). No wonder few know that this was actually the first computer, created by Tommy Flowers.

Colossus was recreated more than 50 years later from (human) memory, notes and imagination, blueprints destroyed long ago. It is on display in the National Museum of Computing, a separate entity from Bletchley Park museum (and therefore no photos of Colossus, just yet).

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Assembling the Pro Mini OLED clock shield kit

Customers complained about the lack of documentation on the Pro Mini OLED clock kit.

I listened and I agree. Even though the silkscreen should provide the necessary directions for soldering the parts on the shield itself, adding the Pro Mini board and the OLED display are still ambiguous, especially because there are multiple options.

Here is a quick, but hopefully adequate, step-by-step guide on one way to assemble this clock kit.

1. Make sure you source the correct Pro Mini board, that looks similar to the one in the photos below. It features an ATmega328 clocked at 16MHz.

Note that SCL and SDA (A5, A4 respectively) are broken out. Also, the FTDI connects directly to the side of the Pro Mini board.

2. Program the board itself with the OLED Clock sketch. In Tools/Board, select "Arduino Duemilanove w/ ATmega328". Upload using the FTDI adapter. This step is important because you want to make sure your Pro Mini works before you mount/solder it.

3. Make sure you source the correct I2C 128x64 OLED display, like the one shown below.

The pins at the top must be in the order (left to right) VCC-GND-SCL-SDA or VCC-GND-SDA-SCL.

In case your display has a different arrangement of the pins, e.g. GND-VCC-SCL-SDA, you will need to swap the leftmost two pins, by rewiring the traces (cut, then reconnect) on the shield's PCB (not on the display, which remains untouched), as explained in Step 6.

4. Solder the DS1307, paying attention to the correct orientation (notch up), then the 2 resistors and the crystal.

5. Solder the 2 jumper bridges according to the OLED display you are going to use.

If your OLED has pin 3 and 4 configured as SCL and SDA respectively, then solder the right bridge of the left jumper and the left bridge of the right jumper (see the photo below).

6. Only if necessary
Remember, the Pro Mini OLED shield was designed for I2C OLED displays that have pin 1 as VCC and pin 2 as GND. If that is not the case (as in the photo below),

those first 2 pins must be rewired, as shown (after the traces had been cut and pins isolated).

7. Solder the Pro Mini board on top and close to the OLED shield, using machined male pins (included in the kit). Only the relevant pins, highlighted in the photo below, need to be soldered.

Pay attention, since this is a hard-to-reverse move. Fixing a mistake here involves de-soldering. Also, the parts underneath cannot be (easily) accessed anymore.

8. Solder the 4-pin female header, the 2 buttons and the battery holder, then insert the CR1225 battery, with the correct polarity (+ on top).

9. Insert the OLED display.

10. Power the clock through the FTDI breakout (observe the correct orientation) or by directly wiring VCC and GND to a 5V or battery source.
Any of the 5 clock faces can be selected by pushing simultaneously the 2 buttons.
Pressing each button individually will increment either the hours or the minutes.


Saturday, April 3, 2021

Great 8 character fluorescent (VFD) display

 In the process of expanding the family of supported displays for the WiFiChron clock, I found this amazing VFD module on aliexpress:

It has an SPI interface, it is powered by 5V, character set is defined and stored internally.

A quick search produced a sketch and documentation for the driver, PT6302.

According to the PCB silkscreen, the VFD module is powered by 5V, but the signals are 3V3. (The 30V required by the VFD glass itself is made by the on-board switching mode power supply, so no need to worry about generating high voltage externally.) An ESP32 board would be the perfect candidate to control this display. Luckily, the found sketch was also written for ESP32, so all I had to do was compile and upload using Arduino IDE 1.8.13. The only problem was that my IDE installation did not show ESP32 boards anymore, even though I used it once previously. Therefore, I had to re-visit the whole setup process once again. This time I am documenting it, to save on any future effort. So here are the steps:

  • install Arduino IDE (1.8.13, in my case) from Windows store, placed here:

  • add the ESP32/expressif package URL for the Boards Manager, as nicely explained here; essentially, select menu File -> Preferences, then add line
to input box "Additional Boards Manager URLs".
  • install the set of ESP32 boards in "Boards Manager"; menu Tools -> Boards Manager:
  • select the proper board for the ESP32-WROOM dev kit that I used; menu Tools -> Boards Manager -> ESP32 Arduino -> Node32s;
  • open the sketch, then modify the SPI pins (I used DIN=33, CLK=12, CS=13, RST=27, all on the same side of the ESP32 dev module); got compilation error "Library not found" for both NTPClient and TimeLib;
  • install the missing libraries, through menu Tools -> Manage Libraries...
The 2 libraries have been installed here
at the location specified in File -> Preferences:
  • compile, then upload successfully.
Surprisingly easy, straightforward and without glitches, this must have been the easiest ever first-time  interfacing with a device.

Compared to the HDSP-2534 LED display, the characters in the VFD module are about 50% bigger, and much brighter, making it readable from a greater distance. The current consumption is in the range 100-200mA, versus about 20mA taken by the HDSP display.

Also, at just about US$13, this (yet unnamed, or maybe Futaba?, see photo below) VFD display makes a great functional alternative for the more expensive HDSP/Avago/Siemens/Osram 8-character LED displays.

For the record, this was my setup:

And the (modified, barebone) sketch:
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include <NTPClient.h>
#include <TimeLib.h>

NTPClient timeClient(ntpUDP, "", 8*3600, 60000);
const char *ssid     = "<wifinet>";
const char *password = "<password>";

uint8_t din   = 33; // DA
uint8_t clk   = 12; //23; // CK
uint8_t cs    = 13; //19; // CS
uint8_t Reset = 27; //22; // RS

char *str_time = "00:00:00";
String format_time = "00:00:00";

void write_6302(unsigned char w_data)
  unsigned char i;
  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    digitalWrite(clk, LOW);
    if ( (w_data & 0x01) == 0x01)
      digitalWrite(din, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(din, LOW);
    w_data >>= 1;
    digitalWrite(clk, HIGH);

void VFD_cmd(unsigned char command)
  digitalWrite(cs, LOW);
  digitalWrite(cs, HIGH);

void S1201_show(void)
  digitalWrite(cs, LOW);
  digitalWrite(cs, HIGH);

void VFD_init()
  // set number of characters for display;
  digitalWrite(cs, LOW);
  write_6302(0x07);  // 8 chars;
  digitalWrite(cs, HIGH);

  // set brightness;
  digitalWrite(cs, LOW);
  write_6302(0x33); // level 255 (max);
  digitalWrite(cs, HIGH);

void S1201_WriteOneChar(unsigned char x, unsigned char chr)
  digitalWrite(cs, LOW);
  write_6302(0x20 + x);
  write_6302(chr + 0x30);
  digitalWrite(cs, HIGH);

void S1201_WriteStr(unsigned char x, char *str)
  digitalWrite(cs, LOW);
  write_6302(0x20 + x);
  while (*str)
    write_6302(*str); // ascii
  digitalWrite(cs, HIGH);

void setup()
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
  while ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED ) {

  pinMode(clk, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(din, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(cs, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Reset, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(Reset, LOW);
  digitalWrite(Reset, HIGH);

void loop()
  format_time = timeClient.getFormattedTime();
  char *str_time = &format_time[0]; 
  S1201_WriteStr(0, str_time);

Next step should be researching the PT6302 command set, finding out how to adjust brightness and others.