Sunday, March 3, 2019

Wise Clock 4 - March 2019 software release

A long overdue (3+ years since the previous one!?) release of the Wise Clock 4 software is finally here. This one compiles on Arduino 1.6.7 (and later) and has a few code improvements, most of them courtesy of MikeM:
  • created a display abstraction layer that will allow porting the display functions away from HT1632 Sure displays, eventually; essentially, any new "compatible" (min 16x32 resolution) display can be supported by implementing the set of functions declared in DisplayBase.h; currently, the HT1632 functions are defined in DisplayHT1632.cpp class;
  • eliminated the need to set the day-of-week, which is now calculated from date (Zeller method);
  • introduced the option to use MiniGPS class instead of TinyGPS, which saves some program memory and also RAM; the improved GPS code uses now a new setting in messages.txt (utc.offset);
  • some bug fixes related to buffer overruns when getting the weather RSS data; Mike discovered this issue after switching to a new weather service (, since the old one (e.g. is no longer supported (protocol was changed to https, which cannot be handled by the current ESP8266 class);
As a reminder note (for myself), the ESP8266 and GPS-related changes mentioned above should also find their way into the WiFiChron code, sometime.

Recently, Nick sent this photo of his stack (stash?) of WiFiChrons.


  1. Hi, love my WiFiChron. The weather function was great during the time that it worked. Probably the same problem as listed above? Has the fix been incorporated into WiFiChron? Thanks!

    1. The weather info is retrieved from any public weather site that publishes RSS weather data. It won't work anymore when any of these change:
      - site URL (can be fixed by inputting again in the init page);
      - site requiring a token/ID (pay-for-service);
      - site not using RSS anymore.

      If you can find a site/URL that still provides RSS weather data, then the weather feature will still work as implemented.
