I recently found, at the bottom of a drawer, my forgotten numitron single-tube clock. It has a LiPo battery which still lights up the filaments, but no RTC to actually show time. It has a single button, which activates the display (numitron tube) when pressed. Indeed, some digits flash on, but inconsistently. And, as a clock, one would want to be able to also set the time, which is definitely not possible in this current version.
The required revision consists in:
- adding RTC
- adding a second button
- updating the software (by adding the ability to set the time through buttons)
The method I devised for setting up the time follows this state-machine diagram,
where "Set time" state is part of this bigger picture:
The whole source code file is proudly presented below (as answer to the lots of questions in the above mentioned old post).
/************************************************************************* * Sketch for direct driving 7-segment numitron IV-9 * * Segments are defined as follows: * * A * --- * B | | C * --- D * E | | F * --- * G * * Decimal point/comma is segment H. * Common pin is wired to Vcc (would be nice to wire it to D11/MOSI * instead, which is also PWM (for brightness)). * To light up a segment, just connect it to GND. * * To display a digit, ground these Arduino pins: * 0: 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13 * 1: 7, 8 * 2: 6, 8, 10, 11, 12 * 3: 6, 7, 8, 11, 12 * 4: 7, 8, 12, 13 * 5: 6, 7, 11, 12, 13 * 6: 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13 * 7: 6, 7, 8 * 8: 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 * 9: 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13 * *************************************************************************/ #include <Arduino.h> #include <Wire.h> #include "DS1307.h" #define _DEBUG_ // arduino pins connected to tube terminals; // chosen based on the natural positioning of the Numitron tube on Pro Mini board; #define segA 6 // tube pin 5 #define segB 13 // tube pin 6 #define segC 8 // tube pin 3 #define segD 12 // tube pin 7 #define segE 10 // tube pin 9 #define segF 7 // tube pin 4 #define segG 11 // tube pin 8 #define segH 9 // tube pin 2 // button to initiate the setting up of the time; #define PIN_BUTTON_SET_TIME 4 // D4 // button to activate the display or to increment the time digit; #define PIN_BUTTON_ACTIVATE 17 // A3 byte segmentPin[8] = {segA, segB, segC, segD, segE, segF, segG}; byte digits[10][7] = { // A B C D E F G {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}, // 0 {1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1}, // 1 {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, // 2 {0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, // 3 {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1}, // 4 {0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0}, // 5 {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, // 6 {0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1}, // 7 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, // 8 {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0} // 9 }; byte state[4][7] = { // A B C D E F G {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, // H {1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1}, // h {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1}, // M {1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1}, // m }; volatile boolean wasTimeEverSet = false; volatile boolean showingTime = false; volatile boolean settingTime = false; byte crtIndex = 0; // 0..3, index in array timeDigits; byte timeDigits[4] = {0, 1, 2, 3}; int hour = 0; int minute = 0; int second = 0; byte crtValue = 0; // used when setting the time, one digit at a time (for HHMM); short crtState = -1; // used when setting the time; boolean newState = false; void setup() { #ifdef _DEBUG_ Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("in setup"); #endif // each of display's 7 segment is connected to an output; for (byte i=0; i<7; i++) { pinMode(segmentPin[i], OUTPUT); } // buttons to activate tube and for setting up the time; pinMode(PIN_BUTTON_ACTIVATE, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(PIN_BUTTON_SET_TIME, INPUT_PULLUP); blankDisplay(); } void loop() { if (digitalRead(PIN_BUTTON_ACTIVATE) == LOW) { #ifdef _DEBUG_ Serial.print("settingTime="); Serial.println(settingTime); #endif delay(200); // debouncing; if (settingTime) { newState = false; crtValue++; if (crtValue > 9) crtValue = 0; displayValue(crtValue); #ifdef _DEBUG_ Serial.print ("crtValue="); Serial.println(crtValue); #endif } else { getTimeFromRTC(); splitTime(); // show time as (h)h-mm; showingTime = true; } } if (digitalRead(PIN_BUTTON_SET_TIME) == LOW) { delay(200); // debouncing; #ifdef _DEBUG_ Serial.print("crtState="); Serial.println(crtState); #endif if (crtState == -1) { // user is initiating setting up the time; settingTime = true; } if (settingTime) { newState = true; crtState++; } #ifdef _DEBUG_ Serial.print("settingTime="); Serial.println(settingTime); #endif } if (showingTime) { #ifdef _DEBUG_ Serial.print ("show time, digit "); Serial.println(crtIndex); #endif if (crtIndex == 0 && timeDigits[0] == 0) { // do not show the leading 0; } else { if (crtIndex == 2) { // show the dash between hours and minutes; displayDash(); // hold it for a second; delay(1000); } // make the digit flash (otherwise, if 2 consecutive digits are the same, you won't see a difference); displayDigit(crtIndex); // hold the digit for a second; delay(1000); } crtIndex++; if (crtIndex > 3) { showingTime = false; // time will show again when button is pressed; crtIndex = 0; blankDisplay(); } } if (settingTime) { if (newState) { newState = false; // need to save the crtValue; if (crtState > 0) { #ifdef _DEBUG_ Serial.print("set value "); Serial.print(crtValue); Serial.print(" at index "); Serial.println(crtState-1); #endif timeDigits[crtState-1] = crtValue; } if (crtState > 3) { settingTime = false; crtState = -1; blankDisplay(); #ifdef _DEBUG_ Serial.print("saving time: "); Serial.print(10 * timeDigits[0] + timeDigits[1]); Serial.print(":"); Serial.println(10 * timeDigits[2] + timeDigits[3]); Serial.print("settingTime="); Serial.println(settingTime); #endif // time is set only after all 4 digits (HhMm) were input, that is, after state "m" is left; setTime(10 * timeDigits[0] + timeDigits[1], 10 * timeDigits[2] + timeDigits[3], 0); } else { displayCrtState(); // one of the 4: H, h, M, m // hold it for a bit; delay(100); // start setting the value from 0; crtValue = 0; } } } } void displayDigit(byte index) { blankDisplay(); delay(100); byte digit = timeDigits[index]; // turn on the necessary segments of the digit; for (byte i=0; i<7; i++) { digitalWrite(segmentPin[i], digits[digit][i]); } } void displayValue(byte crtValue) { blankDisplay(); delay(100); // turn on the necessary segments; for (byte i=0; i<7; i++) { digitalWrite(segmentPin[i], digits[crtValue][i]); } } void blankDisplay() { // turn off all 7 segments; for (byte i=0; i<7; i++) { digitalWrite(segmentPin[i], 1); } } void displayDash() { blankDisplay(); delay(100); digitalWrite(segD, 0); } void displayCrtState() { #ifdef _DEBUG_ Serial.print ("crt state is "); Serial.println(crtState); #endif blankDisplay(); delay(100); // turn on the necessary segments of the state/letter; for (byte i=0; i<7; i++) { digitalWrite(segmentPin[i], state[crtState][i]); } } //********************************************************************************** // Read the entire RTC buffer // void getTimeFromRTC() { int rtc[7]; RTC_DS1307.get(rtc, true); // check to avoid glitches; if (rtc[DS1307_MIN] < 60 && rtc[DS1307_HR] < 24 && rtc[DS1307_SEC] < 60) { second = rtc[DS1307_SEC]; minute = rtc[DS1307_MIN]; hour = rtc[DS1307_HR]; } /* // check to avoid glitches; if (rtc[DS1307_YR] <= 2050 && rtc[DS1307_MTH] <= 12 && rtc[DS1307_DATE] <= 31) { day = rtc[DS1307_DATE]; month = rtc[DS1307_MTH]; year = rtc[DS1307_YR]; } */ // The RTC may have a dead battery or may have never been initialized // If so, the RTC doesn't run until it is set. // Here we check once to see if it is running and start it if not. if (!wasTimeEverSet) { wasTimeEverSet = true; if (hour == 0 && minute == 0 && second == 0) { // set an arbitrary time to get the RTC going; setTime(10,23,45); } } #ifdef _DEBUG_ Serial.print("Time is "); Serial.print(rtc[DS1307_HR]); Serial.print(":"); Serial.print(rtc[DS1307_MIN]); Serial.print(":"); Serial.println(rtc[DS1307_SEC]); #endif } //********************************************************************************** // void setTime(int hh, int mm, int ss) { RTC_DS1307.stop(); RTC_DS1307.set(DS1307_SEC, ss); RTC_DS1307.set(DS1307_MIN, mm); RTC_DS1307.set(DS1307_HR, hh); RTC_DS1307.start(); } void splitTime() { timeDigits[0] = hour / 10; timeDigits[1] = hour % 10; timeDigits[2] = minute/10; timeDigits[3] = minute%10; }
The single digit numitron clock is the simplest possible clock, in terms of the number of components included. The numitron tube is connected directly to the processor's outputs, the common electrode being wired to Vcc. I noticed that the 3.7V LiPo battery is not reliably capable to light up the filaments. USB's 5V gives the tube a stable functionality.
Below are some photos.
I was actually able to design the improvised RTC "shield" for ProMini shown in the above photo. Ordered from oshpark and shared here:
The "second" simplest single digit clock would be the one using a 7-segment LED display. It is the "second" simplest just because it requires 7 more current-limiting resistors. Otherwise, if the wiring (numitron tube and 7-segment display) is similar, the above code works with no changes (tried and proven).
Shown above is another ProMini-based prototype of a single digit clock, without the RTC shield. I expect this single digit 7-segment clock to work with the LiPo battery shield (unlike the single numitron clock). Note that the display is common anode, with the anode wired to Vcc and each cathode connected to processor's outputs. The segment is lit when the output is grounded (set to digital 0), similar to the numitron's driving.
Hello! program stops loading program arduino writes RTC_DS1307.stop () here;
ReplyDeleteI am trying to use a minitron 3015F display . I am not having very good luck. Any way you could adapt your sketch for my display? You can see the pinout on Google.
ReplyDeleteI found a datasheet here:
It looks like this display splits the one common numitron pin into multiple commons, if that makes sense. All else is the same. If you connect all commons together (pins 2, 5, 10, 12, 13), then you have the following pins for the tube segments:
seg a = pin 15;
seg b = pin 14;
seg c = pin 11;
seg d = pin 7;
seg e = pin 6;
seg f = pin 3;
seg g = pin 4;
point = pin 9;
Therefore, connect pin 15 to arduino D6, pin 14 to arduino D13 etc, as mapped below (segment to arduino pin):
#define segA 6 // tube pin 5
#define segB 13 // tube pin 6
#define segC 8 // tube pin 3
#define segD 12 // tube pin 7
#define segE 10 // tube pin 9
#define segF 7 // tube pin 4
#define segG 11 // tube pin 8
#define segH 9 // tube pin 2
The sketch should work unaltered.
Here is a more complete mapping between segments (and tube pins) and arduino digital outputs:
Delete#define segA 6 // tube pin 15
#define segB 13 // tube pin 14
#define segC 8 // tube pin 11
#define segD 12 // tube pin 7
#define segE 10 // tube pin 6
#define segF 7 // tube pin 3
#define segG 11 // tube pin 4
#define segH 9 // tube pin 9
Pins 2, 5, 10, 12, 13 of the display are all connected to Vcc (5V).
Here is another question. I am trying to really miniaturize this project. I had hopes of making a wristwatch. I am using Attiny 441 chips as well as a small RTC with a super cap for time backup and trying to get a small a li ion cell to boost to 5v for power. I gave up a couple years ago because I could not get things running. Would your sketch be much different on the Attiny. The Attiny does not have as many outputs. I am really struggling with this whole project. Any help you could give would be great.
DeleteFor this sketch to work as is, it requires 10 digital pins (8 segments, 2 buttons) + SDA/SCL for the RTC. Instead of using an ATTiny, you could use a ProMini arduino (with ATmega328 SMD) clone, available on ebay for less than $5, like I used in this project. This way, it is an Arduino project, easily understood and supported. The ProMini board is much slimmer than the ATTiny DIL chip would be, plus you have the PCB already. The build should look pretty similar to what you see in the photos in this post, and indeed could be made into a wristwatch.
DeleteI was using smd components for the project and I think it could indeed be very tiny. I did have an Attiny and a rtc work with a simple sketch. I don't know which way I should go. I would really love a custom PCB with all smd components on it. In a really tiny package. I just don't know how to piece it all together.
DeleteA really successful project will go through a few iterations anyway. You probably won't do it perfectly in the first try.
DeleteWould something like this work?
It should, since it says "10 digital pins, 5 analog pins, and 4 pwn pins", although I don't see them in the photos.
DeleteIs there any way you could post a complete wiring diagram?
ReplyDeleteI could draw a diagram, which will essentially show wires between the arduino's pins and the tube's pins (plus the 2 buttons).
DeleteThe diagram would follow these settings:
// arduino pins connected to tube terminals;
// chosen based on the natural positioning of the Numitron tube on Pro Mini board;
#define segA 6 // tube pin 5
#define segB 13 // tube pin 6
#define segC 8 // tube pin 3
#define segD 12 // tube pin 7
#define segE 10 // tube pin 9
#define segF 7 // tube pin 4
#define segG 11 // tube pin 8
#define segH 9 // tube pin 2
// button to initiate the setting up of the time;
#define PIN_BUTTON_SET_TIME 4 // D4
// button to activate the display or to increment the time digit;
#define PIN_BUTTON_ACTIVATE 17 // A3
Yes, a wiring diagram would be helpful.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I am testing this on an Uno. Will there be any differences.
Also a question about the minitron display
The common shows that it should be a +5VCc. Does that mean the Digital out pins need to be set low or -. I am not sure how this would work.
Thanks for your help
It has been a while, just following up to see if you had a wiring diagram with my display and an UNO?
ReplyDeleteAlso the question about the common pin on my display? It says +5VCc.
Any progress with the diagram?